Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tell It Like It Is

My grandma is 95. She doesn't see the need to filter what she says anymore. Nor does she understand my generation. She's been around the block a few times and just calls the world as she sees it. Here is what I learned tonight.

She likes my hair straight. It looks good. Apparently it looks dreadful when I curl it. She also likes it when I pin it back with a clip so she can see my eyes. She wonders why I have hair near my eyes (side bangs).

She likes my husband even though she can never remember his name. She doesn't understand why he didn't come to dinner tonight (it was a last minute thing and he had other plans). She then came to the conclusion that, well, we spend enough time together, so we probably don't need to be together all the time.

Direct quote, "You've been married for SO LONG. Don't you want to see results?? You've been working for too long. Don't you have enough money saved up so you can stay home? If you have too many kids, they can always sleep in the kitchen. I only have a few years left and I think you need to start a family."

Thanks, Besta. Always so helpful.:)

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