Sunday, March 22, 2009

The joy of being a dog owner

I feel bad because I don't write blogs nearly enough. I started a couple a long time ago and I'm sure the drafts are saved somewhere, but it's always hard to go back and finish a thought you had months in the past.

In any case, here's a little nugget of information for you. Today Brianne and I were getting ready to go and I thought to myself: "Self, the dogs are rather quiet..." I just as quickly dismissed the thought and continued to groom myself. After I had showered and brushed my teeth and gotten dressed and was satisfied (see: certain my wife would allow me out into public, but beyond that not really caring) with my appearance, I went downstairs...

No dogs. Hmmm... So I go to our back doors and look out the window. I scan the yard from left to right... No dogs. Double hmmm... So I open the door and step outside to have a look-see. The only place left for them to be then would be the side yard. And there's really nothing back there.

Nothing back there except their water dish. Their large self-refilling water dish with a five gallon water jug on top that I filled yesterday. Their large self-refilling water dish with a five gallon water jug on top that I filled yesterday that is NOW nearly empty. Why was it empty you ask? Well I'm glad you asked!

As I turned the corner upon leaving the house, I found out. Samson comes bounding around the corner because he heard the door, smiling as huge and bright as ever. But his coat wasn't quite so bright... Because he was coated in mud. Sadie came skidding across the concrete right behind him also covered from paw to belly in mud. Apparently they had been playing in the water dish and then wrestling in the dirt. And water + dirt + dog = muddy dog.

Of course they were ECSTATIC to see me and immediately tried to jump on me. So I retreat back towards the door deftly playing dodgedog, and I somehow manage to make it inside without getting muddy. The next hour or so involved bathing Samson and drying him, then carrying Sadie upstairs and bathing her as well, all the while Samson was crying and pawing at the bathroom door because I took away his friend. The amount of dirt and mud that flowed down that drain was appalling. Did I mention I just cleaned the whole bathroom yesterday?

Ah the joys of being a dog owner...

The good news is both dogs are now SUPER soft and cuddly and cute. So I guess that's a plus.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Best friends

My Little Nephew!!

This is my first nephew, little Mr. Colin Van Sande!!! Isn't he the cutest!?! Click over to Kelly's blog, The Van Sande Happenings for more pictures!

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Cat Needs Exercise Too... Duh

Want to hear a funny joke that's not funny? Why couldn't Brianne back her car out of the driveway this morning for a couple of awkward minutes...........................?............................

Because the 100 year old lady that lives on the other side of the street was TRYING TO WALK HER CAT and the cat wasn't following her like it was supposed to.

True story.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Have a good day, sweetie"

Maybe I'm weird, but when people that I have never even met call me "darling," "sweetie," "hon," or "dear," it annoys me. If I know you or have a personal relationship with you, I am not talking about you. But people I don't even know at all? I get that they are just trying to be friendly and probably do it with most everyone, but I don't get it and I don't like it. Maybe I should just stop being friendly and smiling to everyone so that I don't put off the sweetheart vibe.