Thursday, March 18, 2010

Being Content

I would like to share a poem from a book I'm reading that really caused me to stop and think.

It was spring but it was summer I wanted; the warm days and the great outdoors.

It was summer but it was fall I wanted; the colorful leaves and the cool dry air.

It was fall but it was winter I wanted; the beautiful snow and the joy of the holiday season.

It was now winter but it was spring I wanted; the warmth and the blossoming of nature.

I was a child but it was adulthood I wanted; the freedom and the respect.

I was twenty but it was thirty I wanted; to be mature and sophisticated.

I was middle-aged but it was twenty I wanted; the youth and the free spirit.

I was retired but it was middle-age I wanted; the presence of mind without limitations.

My life was over but I never got what I wanted.

-Written by a 14 year old boy; from a message by Dr. Charles Swindoll at Northwest Bible Church in Dallas

Isn't that an awesome poem!?  I can't believe it was written by a 14 year old.  Such insight!  Anyway... it just reminded me to truly live in today, and to just to be present in every moment.  It is my goal to daily keep my head held high looking for ways to make a difference in the world around me and not just get caught up in the details of a productive day.  I feel like so many times it is human nature to want something other than what we have; taller, shorter, fatter, thinner, straight hair, curly hair, moving, need more time for this or that, buy a house, get a bigger house, travel more, be at home more, older, younger, winter, spring, you get the picture.  I want to trust that God has me where he wants me for TODAY.

And in the middle of writing this,


So, not to go back on everything I just said, but seriously, what the heck??  And this pic is just of her face.  You didn't see her body before I bathed her.  Or the floors before I mopped them.  I left the mud on her face so I could clean it with a rag as I didn't think she would like me squirting the hose in her face.  ANYWAY.  Can I just vent for a second here?  What.... is... so... fascinating... about... mud.  And how does she even find mud in the backyard?  I always think there's no mud.  But obviously.  There is mud.  And how does one such four-legged creature get mud on it's face??  I'm starting to think she does it on purpose because she loves it when we wash her off with the hose.  And do you see that huge grin on her face?  It's like she's laughing at me like she thinks it's a game or something!  I play in mud, I get a bath.  YAY.  I can't even tell you how both of these crazy pups LOVE mud.  Sadie DIGS and SPLASHES in it, and Sam EATS IT.  No, I'm not kidding.  HE EATS IT.  YUM YUM.

Oh. My. Gosh.

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