Saturday, August 7, 2010

Why We Decided to Vaccinate

With the vaccine debate raging right now among bloggers all over the world... I decided it was time I put my opinion on there on why we decided to vaccinate our babies.

The biggest reason we chose to vaccinate was because by law, if your dog, cat, or domesticated ferret is not vaccinated, is not up-to-date on its vaccinations, or is not properly confined after biting someone, as the owner you are subject to a fine not to exceed $200 for each offense.  Additionally fines may apply locally as well.

And who wants to be penalized by the government?  Not me.  Especially hard-earned money that could be going towards buying more fro-yo at Yogurtini.


  1. You are hilarious! I love this post!

  2. But what about autism, aren't you afraid?

  3. I don't believe it's the vaccinations, but red food dye. We don't feed them anything with that anymore.
