Monday, August 6, 2012

10 Months Old!

Happy 10 months to Miss Kaelyn Grace!!  Here are some pictures and milestones from this past month.

Most of July was spent in the glorious mountains of Happy Camp, California at my Grammy and Grandpa's house!  They were quite gracious to have us for 2 whole weeks!  This is a picture of us at a beautiful spring.  Kaelyn loved the outdoors and spent quite a bit of time exploring the world and napping in the Ergo carrier!
Meeting some of her first cousins once removed (my 1st cousins:)).  It was so fun to watch them play with her!!
Learning how to clap and play patty cake!  Yaaaay!!!
Always melting mommy's heart with that big smile!!
Showing off those two bottom teeth!  
Loving eating a large variety of different kinds of fruits and veggies!!  Especially watermelon on hot summer days!  She is still primarily breastfed but gets snacks in between meals.
It was quite fun to be in Happy Camp where it got cold at night and in the mornings!  I stayed in my comfy PJ pants and sweatshirt as much as possible and K got to wear cute footie PJ's!  Here she is playing on the floor with some of my mom's old toys and wearing a hat that my grandma knitted for my mom when she was little!
Walking through the tide pools at a beautiful beach in Crescent City, CA and learning about sea stars!!
This is her newest smile.... we call it the cheesey grin.  This was taken in Crescent City right after our hike down to the tide pools.  She loves her Puffs and sippy cup!!  She just learned how to eat food out of her no spill cup (shown on the left by her foot).
She also had fun playing with her great Grammy (my mom's mom) in Elk Creek who she hadn't seen since her birth!  This is the Grammy that helped deliver Kaelyn 10 months ago.  She is quite simply THE BEST!!!!  Kaelyn had fun chewing on all sorts of different kinds of rocks in the creek!!  Wahooooo!
And her latest trick... a picture of K taken this morning... standing up in her crib!!  Such a big girl!!  Time to lower the mattress!!

We are having so much fun with this little one!!  This month went way to fast!  Her main accomplishments this month are inventing her own version of crawling and learning to stand.  She army crawls and rolls to get where she wants to go and is getting quite good at it!  We are unsure if she is going to do the traditional crawl on all fours or not.. but in any case, she gets around pretty well!  She is still incredibly vocal and has the cutest giggle anyone has ever heard!  We love this little munchkin!!  Happy 10 months baby K!!

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