Friday, December 7, 2012

I'm Still Here! Family Updates

Sorry it's been so long folks!  I love blogging, but sometimes life just takes over, ya know!?  In between full time mom and wifeville with a mini tornado  toddler in the house, 20 hours at my internship site, class, homework, trying to maintain various ministries at church, and having a social life all without losing my sanity has been an interesting challenge.  I don't have as much time to actually sit down and blog these days!  I have so many thoughts that go through my head and they sometimes make it to the "blog ideas" app on my phone, or they just whirl around all jumbled in my head while I'm trying to shower with no place to go.  A lot of times sitting down during nap time requires sacrificing a shower or eating, but sometimes that's just what ya gotta do!  I think I also have to get better about just barfing everything onto the keyboard, and then not reading it through a million times proofreading, because then it won't take as long to blog!  So if you will just go along with me here and be willing to put up with some incorrect grammar at times, maybe I can blog more??  

Anyway, life has been wonderful lately... full and busy, but nonetheless pretty fabulous.  I am loving my new role as a counselor/clinician/therapist intern at an outpatient community mental health clinic and know that I have finally found my calling.  I see families, children, individuals, and couples, and am loving it!  I feel confident that I am doing what God has called me to do in pursuing my Masters degree in counseling, and he has provided every step of the way with providing financially, placing this internship in my lap, and providing close family and friends to sacrifice their busy times and schedules to help with childcare until I can complete my hours.  Scott's boss has allowed him to work from home one day a week, my parents watch K one day a week, and my sweet sister and dear friend Laurie Adamson are alternating hours for the third day.    They are all SO incredible with our sweet little miss and we could not do this without them!!  It is so hard for me to sacrifice a few extra days to be away from K, but I am confident that I am supposed to finish this degree, and I am more confident about leaving her in such great hands when I am not with her!!  I have 9 more months of internship, 2 more classes, and then 2 huge exams (one for licensing, and one to graduate).  It still sounds like a lot... but not when you consider I have completed about 60 credit hours so far and logged a couple hundred hours at my internship site! :)  My plan is to finish the degree, and then be back to my full time stay at home mom status--or maybe just work one day a week or so until Kaelyn and any future kiddos we may have are in primary school or out of the house.  I'm not sure how God is going to use my degree, but I still feel called to complete it.  It is very fulfilling to feel called to something, not know how you're supposed to get to the end result, and watch how God provides!  I also have to do just a quick shout out to my amazing husband who puts up with so much from me.  He is a great listener when I have a hard day of client stories and need to process, he is so patient when it comes to helping out with Kaelyn and around the house, he graciously reminds me to not be a perfectionist with my housework during this crazy season, and ultimately is doing whatever it takes to help me live my dream of becoming a therapist.  Sorry for the mushy gush, but I just really need to publicly commend his faithful support because I am so thankful for such a stand up guy!!!  I do not take him for granted for one second!

Miss K has been growing a ton... she is now about 20 lbs and toddling all over the place!  She started to walk the day after Thanksgiving, and has been non-stop on the go since then!  It has been so fun to watch her get better at walking every day, and learn how to stand on her own.  Her cheeks are so soft and kissable, those big blue eyes melt my heart daily, and whenever she brings me a book and reaches up to climb onto my lap I feel so filled with joy I might burst!! 

Scotty is doing well with his job... somewhat recently promoted to be a business analyst in the operations department at U-Haul.  His attention to detail and skills of efficiency work wonders in dealing with U-Haul's payment systems, and he feels needed and appreciated for what he does there which is a huge blessing in a job!!

We  have both also been enjoying playing on the worship team at church, Scott with percussion, and myself with keyboard and vocals.  We will both be in the Xmas Eve service at Bethany Bible... which you should totally come for if you are local!!! 5:00 pm on Xmas Eve!  It's going to be a great service if you are looking for a place to go!! :)  Okay, sorry for the shameless plug... but our church is awesome and we love it, okay?????

Anyway... K is still sleeping... I might have time to fit in a quick shower before she wakes up!  Wahoo!!  Hope to be back here again soon with some pictures and posts I have been thinking about for awhile!! :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear your updates. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
