Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Have a good day, sweetie"

Maybe I'm weird, but when people that I have never even met call me "darling," "sweetie," "hon," or "dear," it annoys me. If I know you or have a personal relationship with you, I am not talking about you. But people I don't even know at all? I get that they are just trying to be friendly and probably do it with most everyone, but I don't get it and I don't like it. Maybe I should just stop being friendly and smiling to everyone so that I don't put off the sweetheart vibe.


  1. Anonymous5.3.09

    If you got a finger mustache tattoo, and used it after someone called you sweetie, and said "WHAT?" in a really deep male voice, they might stop saying it.

  2. Oh I totally agree. Lori and I have always talked about how annoying it is when people call us hon at work! I feel like they think you are a little kid. The best is when you are like at a restaurant and the hostess who is like 16 calls you hon, for some reason that just hits hard, do they know we probably babysat them when they were a kid? Anyways, cute blog honey! ;) haha

  3. LOL Josh I am totally going to do that, thanks for the idea.

  4. YES, it totally makes me feel like a little kid too! And the hostess or the server at the restaurant... totally annoying. When they do it to Scott I want to smack them (in a nice way.....).
