Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What's my Motivation?

The other day, I was driving and as I was accelerating up the on ramp to the freeway, was behind a van with an interesting bumper sticker. And by interesting, of course, I mean deeply saddening, as is the most common vernacular usage of the word. Clearly. The sticker was simple, succinct. It had the image of a cross with the statement: "Believe or Be Left." (similar but not exactly as above)

I could be misinterpreting its meaning. To flesh out MY understanding for clarity: "Believe [in the cross/Jesus] or Be Left [Behind in the end times]"

Unless I am WAY off the mark here, I can't stand behind that statement. Unless, that is, he means, "Believe or Be Left [-Handed]" Because certainly, left-handedness is a curse from God. Ha! But I don't think that's what he means...

The Jesus that carried the very cross this person proclaims would never make a statement like that. The Jesus that called his followers to LOVE OTHERS and by that people would know they are His disciples would never make a statement like that. The Jesus that died because of such a great love for His creation would never make a statement like that. That's NOT WHY HE DID IT!

Jesus' motivation for allowing himself to be killed despite his innocence was simple: Love, Redemption, Grace. It wasn't so some could be in the "In" crowd and he could have an excuse to exclude others. Jesus died so that ALL could be saved (1 Tim. 2:4). But it does require a choice on our part. Christianity is not some exclusivistic, elitist club that people should join so they are not left out. It's not about God not picking you for His team in dodgeball or trying to convince God that you're cool enough to hang out with His crew. If the only motivation someone has to believe in God is to not be left behind and try to avoid the wrath of the end times, how sincere is that really?

On behalf of this person, I apologize to anyone who doesn't believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. While I do believe He is the only path back to a right relationship with God, I don't agree with the means by which this person chooses to pronounce this claim. This bumper sticker sends the wrong message that doesn't accurately depict the good news of the Gospel. Jesus calls us to believe in Him so that he can restore our RELATIONSHIP with our Creator. He doesn't desire for anyone to be left behind.

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