Saturday, January 16, 2010

Honest Scrap Award

Kelly has awarded me the honest scrap award.

I am supposed to tell you ten random, honest things about myself. Here they are in no particular order.

1. I am absolutely fascinated by Jillian Michaels. I can't decide if I admire her, am scared of her, simply amused by her, or weirded out by her.

2. I am a serious chocoholic. For reals. It's becoming a problem.

3. I LOVE movies, but I will rarely watch a movie twice. There's no point when you know what is going to happen and why waste the time when you could be watching something completely new?

4. I have a tendency to overanalyze just about everything.

5. I love everything about coffee. I love the smell, the taste, and creating specialty drinks. I love the feel of coffee shops in the morning, pairing coffee with various foods to enhance flavors, and the look of a good solid mug or tumbler. Coffee=love.

6. I love to read! I regularly cruise the online best seller lists and then go check out the ones that appeal to me the most at the library.

7. I am a mountain girl at heart and I cannot seem to find the beauty of the desert no matter how hard I try.

8. I love people. I like to analyze why people do the things they do and why people are the way they are. I love the mystery of personalities and how people interact with one another.

9. I love to learn. If I had all the time in the world, I would take classes of every kind. I would learn to play every instrument, learn every kind of dance from ballroom to hip-hop, take cooking classes, and travel to learn the mystery of various cultures around the world.

10. I can touch my nose with my tongue and often will pick my nose with my tongue just to gross people out.

Your Turn!

I award:


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