Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Micah Kaplan 2/3/85-12/12/10

A friend of ours passed away on Sunday.  Beloved husband, son, and teacher, Micah Benjamin Kaplan, 25, passed away in a car accident on the 101 on his way home from work.  He was a P.E. teacher at Highland Lakes School and Desert Sage Elementary School, and coached varsity soccer at Sandra Day O'Connor High.  Anyone knew him knew that his passions in life were his wife, people, and sharing the love of Jesus Christ.  Micah was married on May 24th, 2008 to his beautiful wife Susanna.  Together, they started a small group in their home called Agape, where Micah would invite everyone he knew, including his co-workers.  Micah's love for others and for God shone brightly, and he impacted anyone who came across his path.  Micah was very vocal about his love for God and his wife Susanna.  He was a very encouraging person, and loved everyone who came across his path.  He proposed to his wife Susie while she was battling cancer, and continued to love and support her throughout that journey. He was one of those people who put  a million exclamations after everything on facebook..... 

Micah Kaplan Just got home from work....So glad God is blessing me with the ability to work right now. I am so thankful for all of things that are happening. I love my family and my Lord!!!

Micah Kaplan Amazing night with family and my freaking AWESOME WIFE! Great day :)

My Amazing Wife is Graduating tonight! Way to go Susanna Kaplan!!! I love you so much! What an amazing accomplishment!! YOU ARE ONE HOT NURSE!!!!!!

Micah Kaplan There will never be another October 20th, 2010 ever again. Live it up today. Let His light shine!!!!! Today is gonna be AWESOME!!!!!!!

Micah Kaplan There is Victory in Him, which makes me the Victor and no longer the loser!!!!

Micah Kaplan My Amazing, beautiful wife Susie Marie Kaplan finished Nursing school tonight!!! There have been so many obstacles she has had to overcome while in school including Cancer. But by the Grace, Strength, and Joy of the Lord she did it! Not only did she pass school, SHE DOMINATED IT! Susie I am so proud of you. YOU AR...E TRULY AN OVERCOMER AND A CHAMPION IN EVERY WAY! CONGRATULATIONS NURSE SUSIE!!!!!!!

Micah Kaplan AGAPE is tonight!!!! Come and join us as we eat and fellowship together. There is no better place to be than in the midst of Him!!!!!! SO PUMPED!!!!

Micah Kaplan There is a great man who makes every man feel small. But the real great man is the man who makes every man feel great. -- G. K. Chesterton

All of this to say, this is a huge wake up call.  Micah and Susie are the same age as Scott and I.  We got married around the same time, live down the street from them, and would meet them up at the dog park for their golden retriever Buddy to play with Sam and Sadie.  I felt like it could have been Scott in that car accident, and I just don't know what I would do without my husband.  My heart aches for Susie and for all she has and is going through.

And with this, I want to make it a point to live life to the fullest.  If something were to happen to me, I would want people to say about me what people are saying about Micah.  I want to radiate the love of Jesus to anyone that comes across my path and always be positive despite my circumstances.  I want to reach out to others, and spend my days making every moment count.  I don't want to worry about petty things, and I want to suck every second out of every day making a difference in the lives of those around me.  

Thank you, Micah, for making a difference in this world.  Thank you for loving God and others the way that you did, and for being an amazing living testimony for Him.  You lived your life well, and you are admired, loved, and missed by many.

Micah and Susie were struggling financially as Susie still has financial bills from her battle with cancer, and now student loans as Micah was working two jobs to put her through nursing school.  If God lays it on your heart, please consider making a donation.

Information and donations and more on the life of Micah Kaplan is available at


  1. My heart goes out to everyone involved in that situation. My husband and I were also married in 2008 and I can't imagine losing him, especially after the battle she just fought. Here is a website that might be of some assistance to her - I will be praying for her and her journey that lay ahead.

  2. Mr. Kaplan was my coach at Highland Lakes and i miss him soooo much
    R.I.P Mr Kaplan
