Friday, February 25, 2011

Baby... Coming in October 2011!!

For those of you who haven't seen me for awhile.....

Man, I really sprouted didn't I??

Just kidding.  I don't actually look like that.  It's a fake belly.  But give me a few months and I may have a belly that somewhat resembles that picture.  And it won't be from eating too much chocolate cake.  Even though I do like chocolate cake.

Yes!  It's true!  A little baby is in the process of growing inside of me... it's the size of a grape at the moment, and I'm pretty positive it's the cutest grape-sized mini baby ever.

Happy Friday everyone!!

Scott and Brianne


  1. Good job! I guess all those posts on Sex means that you know what you are doing!! ;)

    Wahoo! So happy for you guys!

    When are you due? How many weeks are you? I love the pic, because you will be so cute with that bump!

  2. Congratulations Brianne! By the looks of your fake belly I know you'll make one gorgeous mama :)

  3. Anonymous25.2.11

    OH MY GOODNESS that is so exciting!!! Your fake belly photo looks fabulous btw! Hope you are feeling good!

    -kirsten choate

  4. Anonymous28.1.12

    CHO and ADA?
    They are FREAKSB?
    With GROSS?
    WAHOO, to you , too!
    Better yet...YUM- YUM!
    Or maybe YAHOO!
    Yeah...YAHOO is excellent with STING- LOWE!
    Not only that, HETU in NEW VIOLENCE?
