Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week 12--Helllllooooo 2nd Trimester

Wow.  I definitely don't feel pregnant enough to be in the 2nd trimester!  Well, I take that back... I feel pregnant enough... I just don't look pregnant enough haha.  I read on some websites that the 2nd trimester is week 12... others say it is week 13 or 14... either way, it doesn't change the fact that I am 12 week along!

Apparently the baby is the size of a plum.  The part that really blows me away, is that all of the major organs and developments have been made by this point, yet the baby is only about 2 inches long.  WOH!  How is that even possible?

The further along in pregnancy we get, the more real this feels.  Alert the media... this is really happening.  I haven't weighed myself in a few days but I don't need to.  I'm pretty sure it's going to say +100 lbs.  In fact, I had to break out the BellaBand this week.  For those of you who don't know what that is...
It's basically an elastic band that goes around your waist so that you can still wear pants without buttoning them.  BellaBand=Awesome.  I know I need to just go and buy some maternity pants but until then, this little band is a lifesaver.

I'm still feeling exhausted and the nausea hasn't gone away yet, but everyone keeps telling me I'm getting closer and closer to feeling better.  Until then, my floors will just have to remain dirty and I will continue to sleep as much as humanly possible in between work, class, and homework.

Annnnnnnd I know I said I would post a pic this week, but I'm currently in my pajamas laying on the couch, so the pic is just going to have to wait a little bit!  Don't worry, you're not missing much.  I pretty much just look like I ate too many doughnuts.... nothing too exciting.  But how about I show you a picture of what the baby sort of kind of maybe looks like?
 Moving along pretty quickly, eh?!  It definitely resembles a baby, that's for sure.

I'm looking forward to next week because apparently... some women can feel movement anywhere between 13-24 weeks.  Now, that's quite a large window, but it's possible that I may feel a flutter of some sort relatively soon.  And that, is truly AWESOME.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. if this was a facebook post... i would 'like' it! :)

  3. The first time I felt both babies move it felt like gas bubbles, and I remember the first time I felt it, thinking- that was WAY lower in my stomach than I expected the baby to be! Hah!

    Cherish these moments Brianne! They are sooo very precious. But you know that. :) I just wish I could go back and re-live it all over again!

    Praying for you girl, you are going to be such an amazing Mama :) I love reading your blog, btw!

  4. Emily,

    Good to know what to look for... I seriously have no idea what it's going to feel like so that is very helpful!

    I am trying to cherish... I just wish I could get some energy back and not feel so sick so I can REALLY enjoy! Who knows lady... maybe you will have a third!!!! :-) You never know what God has up his sleeve!

    Thank you so much for your prayers. I love reading your blog as well!!!

  5. Congrats on being pregnant! I am just a few weeks ahead of you and I promise, there is a light at the end of the 1st trimester tunnel! I am 18 weeks and feel awesome. I am pretty lucky and have felt some little baby movements for the past week or so, they are not what you expect. God definelty prepares us and gives us time to adjust to all the new stages we are approaching. Good luck and I am so happy to hear things are going well for you!
