Monday, March 14, 2011

11 Week Update

Moving right along people... baby is now the size of a fig!  I'm not sure how big a fig is... so thankfully I found this picture comparing a fig to a quarter.  It doesn't look that big... but when I think about the fact that there is one of those growing inside of me, it sort of changes things a little bit!  The most exciting thing about being 11 weeks pregnant, is that it is close to being 12 weeks pregnant, which means being close to the end of the first trimester!  And that means.... 1/3 of the way there!  It also hopefully means no more morning sickness, which is actually some kind of cruel joke, because for me it has been more like all day every day sickness.  I have definitely noticed an improvement though as weeks 6, 7, and 8 were definitely the worst in terms of feeling nauseous.

Other than that, I'm doing pretty well.  I miss my energy and feeling "normal."  It's weird not feeling like myself, but that's okay.  I guess the sacrifices just get to start now instead of after the baby is born. :-)  More than all of that, I am truly loving the idea that in less than 7 months, I will be holding the cutest little baby ever to be born on this planet, and that will be one of the greatest blessings I have ever known.  For that, I am truly grateful, and if I have to tolerate a few months of sickness and feeling constantly tired, so be it!  Feeling symptoms is also a constant reminder of what is growing inside of me, which is lovely, because I couldn't be more excited for the future and to grow this little peanut no matter what that means for my physical self!

I'll do a belly pic soon... I haven't done any yet because I don't feel much different.  I've gained about 2-3 pounds but it's not super obvious.  I can see the difference in the shape of my stomach, but I'm not sure other people would be able to. :-)

Scott and I have also been talking a lot about nursery design (will post some ideas soon) and I've been reading up on everything baby... everything from pregnancy to strollers to the world of cloth diapers and everything in between.  So much to learn and so much to do!


  1. Yay for an update!! I can't wait to read these each week. And I can not wait to see your belly grow!!! :)

  2. This is awesome! I loved the second trimester when I was preggers- both times! So much fun. Are you guys going to find out if it's a boy or girl when the time comes? Or will it be a surprise?

  3. Oh yeah, Emily! We are totally going to find out... can't wait!!:)

  4. You are going to be the best mom-so happy for you!
