Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Think I Felt a Flutter?? Preggo Update: Weeks 15-17

Whoops, forgot to take a picture on Monday (start of week 17).  These pics were taken on Easter Sunday.  The first picture wasn't supposed to be a picture.... but my sister got a little snap happy with the phone.  Even though the pics are dreadful... the one on the left shows a pretty nice round week 17 belly!  I did just eat a big Easter lunch as well... so that may have helped a bit.

 Current Baby Size:
 Week 17 - Onion

How I feel about being pregnant: Ammmmmmazing.  I still cannot believe this is reality.... I am walking on clouds.

Symptoms: Feelin good! I have not thrown up in at least 2 weeks, and typically only gag while teeth brushing. Apparently our baby does not like toothpaste.

Food Cravings: Not really... although I will report... that it is very fun to feel hungry again!
What I'm most excited about: Getting our big 18 week ultrasound on Tuesday!!! We haven't seen the little one since week 8, and I have a feeling he/she looks a lot different now! Oh... not to mention, we will get to see if there is a penis... or a lack of penis. Also very exciting.

Something I've done to prepare for baby: Looking through baby name books and dreaming about the nursery in my head and on the internet!

Special moment: Pretty sure I felt a flutter.  I wish I could say for sure... but I just don't know!  I was reading in bed the other night, and felt a little bubbly.  It felt like a little goldfish zip across the inside of my stomach real lightly... and quickly.  Really alert, I sat up, and with super-hyper attention skills, paid as much attention as physically possible to my stomach region.  I felt nothing..... and more nothing..... and then... more nothing.  So, I'm still not sure... but I still think there may have been something!  I don't know if that's worthy of reporting, but if it WAS in fact a baby movement, then it would very much so be a special moment haha.
Also, a client at work that didn't know I was pregnant... ASKED ME if I was pregnant!  First person to notice!!  Making progress!  These 13 pounds were not in vain people... I'm telling you... THERE IS A CHILD IN THERE!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for cute preggo belly!

    So glad I wasn't the only one with a toothpaste aversion! If you haven't tried it already, I switched to the citrus flavored toothpaste and it's not quite as bad. Unfortunately, that particular symptom of the first trimester stayed with me throughout my whole pregnancy. I just learned to brush faster. hahaha

    Enjoy these moments! They go by sooo fast!
