Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So I was thinking...

Does anyone else want to move somewhere where it actually gets cold in the winter?  Cuz I do.  The problem is that my dear family members and bestest of friends live here in the blazing hot AZ.  So, I was thinking, it'd be really great if everyone just moved with us?  Who's on board!?!?


  1. haha, I've been having the same thoughts. EVERYONE, let's go!!

  2. Anonymous15.10.08

    But other places are cold... brrrr! We should just all go in together on a cabin somewhere... best of both worlds!

  3. Anonymous20.10.08

    Hey, how about just a vacation, I'm from Montana and miss the cold, but I probably miss the fall more, the 'cold but not crazy cold' with the changing of the seasons and harvest stuff.

  4. This has been my favorite thing about living in the Midwest- our fall looked JUST like that, every day I drove to work I drove past such vibrant colors, and last week, if you would have looked out my window, you would have seen snow like the other picture. STILL strange for a AZ native.
