Friday, October 24, 2008


You know you're a serious blogger when you get "tagged" and get excited about it!  I was tagged by Mrs. Bonnie Lewis and am quite pumped about it.  So, thanks for making me feel bloggerificly special Bon Bon!

Random Facts:

1. I have to pee right now.
2. I love red because it is passionate and bold.
3. Worship music makes my heart explode with inner joy.
4. My puppy is cuter than yours if you have one.
5. My husband is amazing and I am super in love like a fairy tale and I'm not ashamed to say it!
6. I want to travel to every country in the world for 1 day and see all the wonders of the world.
7. I am addicted to buying Bath and Body Works soaps when they're on sale.


  1. yea! i love this!! you are so cute, what great answers!

  2. I'm embarrassed to say this but it is true. I have no idea how to do this. I have no computer taggins skills I guess. Link and copy and post. Wow! Gotta throw me a huge bone. All I know how to do is write 7 facts about myself. - Jess
