Monday, March 5, 2012

K is 5 Months and This Learning Curve is Steep!

Miss Kaelyn Grace is 5 months old!  Ceeelllllleeebrate good times, come on!!  Just like everyone said it would... these months are FLYING by.  Here are some things that happened in this past month:
  • Tried some mushed up bananas (loved them!) and rice cereal (not a fan!)
  • Learned how to grab things and stuff in her mouth
  • Discovered how to bat at objects on purpose and watch the effects
  • More head control
  • Knows how to scoot around a bit on her belly
  • A professional roller (from front to back)
  • Smile and flirt with everyone!
  • Chew on everything (even though she doesn't have any toofies yet)
  • Drool even more!
  • The development of a third chin and the chunkiest little cheeks!
  • Lost almost all of her newborn baby hair.. but is growing in some blonde peach fuzz!
  • Giggles and "talks" constantly
  • Is not as shy as she was last month and is more comfortable being held by new people
While I fall in love with her more and more each day and am happier then I have ever been in my life, I have absolutely hit some of my lowest moment emotionally.  Before I start whining, let me preface by saying how much I LOVE my life and my sweet baby girl, and as I just said above, I am truly the happiest I have ever been.  My heart is so content and bubbling over with joy, and I could not be more thankful for all that God has blessed me with.  I could do a whole blog post on how good my baby smells and how her little feet are the cutest feet any baby has ever had... EVER, but I'll spare you the details for now.  I think you get the picture.

That being said... we went through a 2 week period this month where K decided to wake up EVERY HOUR (sometimes twice an hour!!) for her paci or to be comforted back to sleep.  I could go into gross detail about all the things we have tried, but I don't need any more advice and don't wish to troubleshoot.

I'm just sayin'.... it is so hard to get through the day when your head is pounding due to lack of sleep and all you can think about is when you will be able to collapse onto your pillow next.  In the past 2 days, she has only woke up between 2-4 times between 7pm - 7am, so hopefully we're turning a corner.  That might sound like a lot to you, but it's really not that bad comparably!! :-)  It drives me crazy is just so wonderful that some babies sleep through the night on their own without the parents having to do much of anything... not having to read any books or not having to let their babies "cry it out for hours on end"... what a blessing... for those parents.... ha ha ha ha ha ha (slow evil fake laugh.... grrrrrrrrrrrrr)

I've read every article and book on baby sleep and I think I'm doing myself more damage then good.  I'm on informational overload and need to listen more to my heart and intuition vs. what all of these fancy schmancy doctors say.  Some of these parental decisions (vaccinations, where the baby sleeps, the best way to get a baby back to sleep, best way to give birth, etc.) can be so overwhelming at times.  I want nothing more then for God to just audibly tell me, "Brianne... the BEST thing for you to do in this situation is.. (INSERT GOD'S SOLUTION HERE)."  

Sleep deprivation is definitely the biggest struggle for me in parenthood so far, but a close second is just not having all the answers that I want.  I'm a student at heart.  I LOVE to learn.  I love class discussions, textbooks, the smell of a clean notebook, and yes, you better believe I am dragging grad school on as long as I can because I hate the thought of not being in school anymore.  I know, I'm a bit of a freak.  But my point in telling you all of this, is that in school, I can study hard for a test and know that the more I study, the better I will typically do on the exam.  When it comes to a living, breathing, human being... it just doesn't work that way!  I can read every book on babies, sleep, vaccinations, birth, etc., and still not know what all the RIGHT answers are.  And it doesn't help that every person in the universe feels differently about all of these issues, and that every parent is different, and every baby is different... blah blah blah.  

Why can't it just say in the Bible:
  • Thou shalt only give your child x,y, and z vaccines, but stay away from the "w"vaccine.  
  • It is okay to let your child "cry it out" for 30 minutes, at which point you should go in and do the baby whisperer "shush pat method"until she falls back to sleep.
Or something to that affect....

Why do I get the feeling these parenting questions are just going to get more complex with time.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......

I know I have the tendency to be too black and white sometimes.  I want quick, easy solutions.  Who doesn't?  I know that the answers to a lot of my questions just have to do with praying about what to do, doing what we think is best, having confidence in it, and then being consistent.  Through the process of figuring this stuff out, God is slowly but surely refining me into the person He wants me to be.

God has given me the spiritual gifts of mercy and encouragement.  Because of these gifts, I feel He has called me to go into the counseling field.  But in order to be a good counselor, I have to be able to relate to others.  Because of that, I feel God has allowed me to go through some pretty crazy life experiences to mold me into the person He wants me to be.  THANKS A LOT GOD (sarcasm).  But really... (sarcasm over!), honestly, truly... I have a burning desire to be exactly who God made me to be and to live out HIS purposes for my life.  I love Him with all my heart, mind, and soul, and know that He has a plan for my life.  In this exciting adventure we call life, He uses many tools to shape me.  He knows what He is doing, even if it results in me being exhausted and frustrated at times. :-)  Everything is in His timing, not mine -- and I know He knows what is best for me far better then I. 

God can use the wisdom I've learned from all the books I've read along with every tear, every frustration, and the cloud of confusion that sometimes invades my brain.  I truly do love this journey I am on... even if the learning curve is a little steep! :-)  


  1. Heidi5.3.12

    Very cute pictures! Thanks for being so honest. Parenting is one of the best things God uses in our lives to sanctify us, along with marriage. It is the constant state of dying to self and putting another first. I totally understand the joys and sacrifices of sleepless nights with children (just wait till you have to stay up all night cleaning puke). One thing I've noticed is that just when I think/feel I've mastered a stage, things change. They start teething, they have a growth spurt, they develop an attitude or go through a period of tantrums at every point of separation. One would think this most difficult of jobs would require some kind of degree before you were allowed to have children. But I rest in the fact that God created you to be your child's mother. He will give you exactly what you need to best raise these blessings that belong to Him anyways. Sure we will make mistakes but this is how we teach them the gospel. We repent and we turn back to God and they realize their need for God as they observe our need for God. Keep your eyes on Jesus, even if they are a bit bleary from lack of sleep, and find rest in Him. Praying for you!

  2. Thank you, Heidi!! I always appreciate your motherly wisdom!! :-) Agreed--I believe it to be God's greatest refining tool in my life so far! I am in a state of being constantly humbled by this glorious, miraculous, challenging process. :-)

  3. Going on no sleep is HARD! Especially because, for me anyway, you just get even more emotional. Last night Dane slept for almost twelve solid hours...that being said, he is 7.5months and we too had a period around month 5 like K is having. You will survive it! And it will make you appreciate the nights when she sleeps longer! Hang in there, momma! Praying for your sleep eyes and sanity! :)

  4. Allysa... yes.... SO much more emotional haha. And I am an emotional person anyway! It is so helpful to hear your journey with Dane and hear from someone who is just a few months ahead of me in all of this! :-)
