Thursday, April 5, 2012

6 Months - The Best About You, Baby Girl

A letter for my baby girl:

Sweet Kaelyn,

You truly are my sunshine girl.  I love you so much.. in a way that you won't ever understand until you have children of your own.  I love to snuggle you, to kiss your sweet cheeks, and to give you eskimo kisses all day long.  There are so many glorious moments every day that we share just the two of us... like the warm, cuddly moments right after you wake up from your nap, or when I sing to you and watch your wide eyes grow big as you get excited and break into that huge gummy grin of yours.  I love playing peek-a-boo and patty cake with you... and I love how we have entire conversations consisting of high pitched noises and funny faces.  My life is so complete.  I have always dreamed of being a mama, and now I am fulfilling one of my lifelong purposes.  You make my heart sing, baby girl.  Oh, how I love you so.

These are a few of my favorite things to remember about you at 6 months of age...

-Your chunky little thighs.. you even have knee dimples!!  ADORABLE!!
-Your laugh is music to my ears!
-Your squeals and shrieks of delight never cease amuse me
-You sucking on your toes = hilarious
-Snuggling in bed right before the sun comes up
-Holding you to my chest and rocking you right before naps... oh, I will miss this time some day
-OH, those cheeks.
-How are you SO SOFT?
-You are quite the wiggle worm these days!
-You tried some solid foods (sweet potatoes, rice cereal, and bananas!)
-You LOVE your exersaucer!
-You love it when I sing you silly songs... especially when I add your name to them!
-You still don't like tummy time much, but you are very strong and love to stand with assistance
-You love bath time... and you always save your biggest smiles for when Daddy gets home
-You are getting quite good at grabbing things!  You love to scratch people's faces with your nails that are always growing too fast.
-You are getting to be much more social and are quite smiley!
-You get bored easily and I need to change up your environment quite often to keep you amused!  We know it's because you are a genius baby!

I LOVE the time I spend with you Baby K.  I am so glad I get to stay at home with you and be your mama.  I truly believe I have the best job in the world.  Anyone can make money, but I get paid in baby snuggles, laughter, and precious moments in time.  Those aren't things that just anyone can have!  Thanks for making me a mommy!!

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