Saturday, January 16, 2010

Life Updates

Ummmmmm so I definitely took a little bit of a blogging break. Life got a little crazy for a bit but I'm back! The holidays went well, and I am excited for the start of a new year.

Here are some life updates:

In the job world, Scott's company was sold to a new owner and he is now working from home. He likes it so far, and enjoys being able to work with the pups cuddled at his feet.

A lot of people have been asking about what has been destroyed in our house by the dogs as of late, and I am pleased to tell you that destruction has gone from ridiculous to almost none! Aside from Sam throwing up rocks occasionally, they've actually been pretty good. They did eat a little bit of a cardboard box yesterday while we were at church, but they were left alone in the house for about 6 hours and that was the only thing found... not too bad! Sam did turn 1 in December (Sadie will be 2 in July), so hopefully they'll just get easier and easier and not enter into the terrible two's.

By the way, this is what Sam was doing before I left for work today. This is Scott's couch in his man cave where he works hard all day. Don't mind the couch arms that were ripped to shreds. This sleeping angel would never do such a thing.

Annnnd this is going to be the most random post ever with all these misc. updates, but our last random fairly large update is that we also recently booked a Europe tour! May 2nd, 2010 we will be headed off to London, Paris, Burgundy, Lucern, Munich, Austrian Tyrol, Brenner Pass, Venice, Pisa, Florence, Rome, and Vatican City. We will be gone for 15 days, and hope it will be the trip of a lifetime! This has been a dream of mine for many years, and I am so excited to finally go! This was one of those bucket list items for me, and definitely something we have to check off the list before pondering starting a family.:)

That's it for now... I'm hoping to try and blog at least once a week so that my 1000's of readers won't be too upset with me. Blog readers can be truly vicious.

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