Friday, January 29, 2010

The Power of a Blog

I have been so inspired lately by blogs that I read on a daily basis and I would just like to publicly declare that I want to jump more into blogging!  I feel like there has been some resistance on my part to actually put my heart into my blogs.... to actually put in much emotion or feeling.  I have to admit there's doubt involved.  

It's scary to just put your thoughts, opinions, and feelings out there for the whole world to see.  I love to be open and honest with those that are closest to me, but to share with everyone what's going on in my actual life... yikes.  I know there are different types of blogs that I could do without putting myself out there too much (fitness blogs, food blogs, parenting blogs, more general stuff), and I do read those blogs on occasion.  But my absolute favorite blogs are the ones that are much more real where I read the feelings, thoughts, and emotions of people in every day life.  And that's who I am.  A real, genuine, honest, open type of person just treading the waters of every day life.

Here's the thing.  There is just something so powerful about being able to read other people's life stories, insights, advice, and just real LIFE happening to real PEOPLE.  And I want to be a part of that in some small way.  The internet and its capabilities are so amazing, and reading other people's blogs is like a little gift to me every day.  It is interesting to be able to read what is happening all around you, reconnect with old friends, and read about friends' lives that I don't get to talk to on a daily basis due to busy schedules, etc.  After a year or so of "having" a blog, I feel like I'm finally starting to realize the purpose of it, the power of it, and the gift that it is.  And I want to take advantage of it. 

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