Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nursery and 21 Weeks Preggo!

My brain has been going NON-STOP on nursery decor!  Well... I'll be honest... on all baby stuff really!  My family came over and helped us paint this weekend....

The picture is a little dark, but the color is a beautiful creamy pale yellow color.  Home Depot calls the name of the paint "cream puff."  It makes the room so bright (normally... not as much at 5:00 pm!) throughout the day. 

And here is an up close picture of the amazing glider we picked up this weekend!  $60 on Craigslist--what a steal!

 I love it!  And I can't wait to get all the other furniture in there!  Here is a picture of the bedding I am going to register for.

 Isn't it adorable?  I wanted to do all gender neutral stuff... but when I found out we were having a girl I just could NOT resist this bedding!

The window treatment...

The pillows...

The accessories...
I love it all! 

And of course... I have to find a pretty pink and white chandelier to go in there somewhere.  Maybe something like this:

or this...
or this..

I can't wait to get it all done and see what it looks like all together!

Here is a 21 week picture update:

I'm feeling great!  It is so nice to have more energy back and not feel sick all the time.  YAY for second trimester!  I can't believe we're already over the half way point!  Baby girl moves around quite a bit now... and it's so fun to feel her little nudges.  I haven't felt any full on hard kicks yet, but I know that is in store soon!  We are still working on names.  We are getting closer, but are hesitant to make a loud declaration without being 100% positive!:)  Can't wait to hold this little one!


  1. You are a beautiful mama! What cute stuff you have picked out, the chandelier idea is kind of glamorous :) Love it!

  2. You look so beautiful Brianne!!! And I love the room ideas, it will be so pretty!

  3. Oh, man. That is going to be one amazing nursery! I love chandeliers!!! I would have one in every room of the house if I could. (Wait, I think I do). Seriously, that's pink done right.

  4. The kicks will come soon! Tevie laughs at me because sometimes I jump out of my skin when Dane kicks! It's the coolest feeling in the world. So excited for Baby Girl Van Sande! :)

  5. Can I sleep in there? It looks so pretty!
